Programming Language: Bubblescript (by Botsquad)
Lines of code: ≈ 1260
Duration: ≈ 15 minutes
Production Time: one month
Blood, sweat, tears: a considerable amount
dialog welcome do
ask "Hello?", expecting: [@hello], help_dialog: invalid_hello
#NOTE: if invalid > say "Anybody there?"
# say "Let me try that again."
if answer == :hello do
say "I knew I'd heard someone!"
say "Thank you for making time to talk to me." #--> NEXT DIALOG
#A. Goal: Create expectancy of a reciprocal/equal conversation from the start
#B. Improvement: Good morning / Good afternoon / Good evening > based on time>timezone>location
#C. Improvement: Ability to wait for answer via "timeout"
# > Silence: reiterate "are you there" > Answer yes/hello: 'there you are! > CONTINUE
# > Silence: "I made a mistake" > STOP
dialog look do
pause 1
say "Most people nowadays don't make the effort of talking to a stranger."
pause 3
ask "Are you looking at me?", expecting: [@yes, @no]
branch do
answer == :yes ->
random do
say "I had the feeling you were doing that."
say "I thought so."
pause 0.2
random do
say "Don't feel like you have to."
say "No need to make the effort."
say "You don't have to do that."
pause 0.5
answer == :no ->
random do
say "Then I was wrong, pardon me."
say "Sorry, I was mistaken."
say "I was wrong, sorry."
pause 0.2
say "No need to adjust your gaze though."
pause 0.2
say "I can't see you either, so why should I force you to look at me?"
pause 0.5
say "Just let your eyes wander around the room."
say "Get comfortable."
pause 3
ask "Are you worried about making a good first impression?", expecting: [@yes, @no, @abit]
branch do
answer == :yes ->
pause 0.5
say "That is fine. "
say "As long as you don't try to present yourself as something or someone you are not."
answer == :no ->
pause 0.5
say "Good. You shouldn't."
say "I am not that impressive anyway."
answer == :abit ->
pause 0.5
say "That seems like exactly the right amount to me."
#A. Goal: Let the user know the storyteller is blind WHILE encouraging them not to focus on the device
#B. Goal: Normalise VUI by connecting it to a common aspect human interaction
#C. Randomisation: not too prevalent within story, but features heavily here.